A Python interface for the PV_Live web API from Sheffield Solar.
Jamie Taylor <>
Ethan Jones <>
First Authored: 2018-06-04
- class pvlive_api.pvlive.PVLive(retries: int = 3, proxies: Dict | None = None, ssl_verify: bool = True, domain_url: Literal['', '', ''] = '')[source]
Interface with the PV_Live web API.
- Parameters:
retries (int) – Optionally specify the number of retries to use should the API respond with anything other than status code 200. Exponential back-off applies inbetween retries.
proxies (Optional[Dict]) – Optionally specify a Dict of proxies for http and https requests in the format: {“http”: “<address>”, “https”: “<address>”}
(dt[, entity_type, entity_id, ...])Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time from the API.
(start, end[, entity_type, ...])Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time interval from the API.
(d[, entity_type, entity_id])Get the cumulative PV generation for a given day from the API.
(d[, entity_type, entity_id, ...])Get the peak PV_Live generation result for a given day from the API.
([region, include_history, ...])Download deployment data from the /capacity endpoint.
([entity_type, entity_id, ...])Get the latest PV_Live generation result from the API.
- at_time(dt: datetime, entity_type: Literal['gsp', 'pes'] = 'gsp', entity_id: int = 0, extra_fields: str = '', period: int = 30, dataframe: bool = False) Tuple | DataFrame [source]
Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time from the API.
- Parameters:
dt (datetime) – A timezone-aware datetime object. Will be corrected to the END of the half hour in which dt falls, since Sheffield Solar use end of interval as convention.
entity_type (string) – The aggregation entity type of interest, either “pes” or “gsp”. Defaults to “gsp”.
entity_id (int) – The numerical ID of the entity of interest. Defaults to 0.
extra_fields (string) – Comma-separated string listing any extra fields.
period (int) – Time-resolution to retrieve, either 30 or 5 (minutely). Default is 30.
dataframe (boolean) – Set to True to return data as a Python DataFrame. Default is False, i.e. return a tuple.
- Returns:
tuple – Tuple containing the pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw fields of the PV_Live result, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
Pandas DataFrame – Contains the columns pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
For list of optional extra_fields, see PV_Live API Docs.
- between(start: datetime, end: datetime, entity_type: Literal['gsp', 'pes'] = 'gsp', entity_id: int = 0, extra_fields: str = '', period: int = 30, dataframe: bool = False) List | DataFrame [source]
Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time interval from the API.
- Parameters:
start (datetime) – A timezone-aware datetime object. Will be corrected to the END of the half hour in which start falls, since Sheffield Solar use end of interval as convention.
end (datetime) – A timezone-aware datetime object. Will be corrected to the END of the half hour in which end falls, since Sheffield Solar use end of interval as convention.
entity_type (string) – The aggregation entity type of interest, either “pes” or “gsp”. Defaults to “gsp”.
entity_id (int) – The numerical ID of the entity of interest. Defaults to 0.
extra_fields (string) – Comma-separated string listing any extra fields.
period (int) – Time-resolution to retrieve, either 30 or 5 (minutely). Default is 30.
dataframe (boolean) – Set to True to return data as a Python DataFrame. Default is False, i.e. return a tuple.
- Returns:
list – Each element of the outter list is a list containing the pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw fields of a PV_Live result, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
Pandas DataFrame – Contains the columns pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
For list of optional extra_fields, see PV_Live API Docs.
- day_energy(d: date, entity_type: Literal['gsp', 'pes'] = 'gsp', entity_id: int = 0) float [source]
Get the cumulative PV generation for a given day from the API.
- Parameters:
d (date) – The day of interest as a date object.
entity_type (string) – The aggregation entity type of interest, either “pes” or “gsp”. Defaults to “gsp”.
entity_id (int) – The numerical ID of the entity of interest. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
float – The cumulative PV generation on the given day in MWh.
None – If no data found, return None.
- day_peak(d: date, entity_type: Literal['gsp', 'pes'] = 'gsp', entity_id: int = 0, extra_fields: str = '', period: int = 30, dataframe: bool = False) Tuple | DataFrame [source]
Get the peak PV_Live generation result for a given day from the API.
- Parameters:
d (date) – The day of interest as a date object.
entity_type (string) – The aggregation entity type of interest, either “pes” or “gsp”. Defaults to “gsp”.
entity_id (int) – The numerical ID of the entity of interest. Defaults to 0.
extra_fields (string) – Comma-separated string listing any extra fields.
period (int) – Time-resolution to retrieve, either 30 or 5 (minutely). Default is 30.
dataframe (boolean) – Set to True to return data as a Python DataFrame. Default is False, i.e. return a tuple.
- Returns:
tuple – Tuple containing the pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw fields of the latest PV_Live result, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
Pandas DataFrame – Contains the columns pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
None – If no data found for the day, return None.
For list of optional extra_fields, see PV_Live API Docs.
- deployment(region: Literal['gsp', 'llsoa'] = 'gsp', include_history: bool = False, by_system_size: bool = False, release: str | int = 0) DataFrame [source]
Download deployment data from the /capacity endpoint.
- Parameters:
region (str) – The aggregation region for the deployment data, either ‘gsp’ (default) or ‘llsoa’.
include_history (bool) – Set to True to include historical deployment data. Defaults to False.
by_system_size (bool) – If region == “gsp”, set to True to also include the breakdown by system size.
release (Union[str, int]) – The datestamp (YYYYMMDD) of the capacity update you wish to download. Pass a string (e.g. “20231116”) to get a specific release, or pass an int to get the latest (release=0), next-latest (release==1) etc. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
Columns vary depending on the input parameters, but shoudl include at least release, GSPs/llsoa and dc_capacity_mwp.
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- latest(entity_type: Literal['gsp', 'pes'] = 'gsp', entity_id: int = 0, extra_fields: str = '', period: int = 30, dataframe: bool = False) Tuple | DataFrame [source]
Get the latest PV_Live generation result from the API.
- Parameters:
entity_type (string) – The aggregation entity type of interest, either “pes” or “gsp”. Defaults to “gsp”.
entity_id (int) – The numerical ID of the entity of interest. Defaults to 0.
extra_fields (string) – Comma-separated string listing any extra fields.
period (int) – Time-resolution to retrieve, either 30 or 5 (minutely). Default is 30.
dataframe (boolean) – Set to True to return data as a Python DataFrame. Default is False, i.e. return a tuple.
- Returns:
tuple – Tuple containing the pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw fields of the latest PV_Live result, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
Pandas DataFrame – Contains the columns pes_id, datetime_gmt and generation_mw, plus any extra_fields in the order specified.
None – If no data found, return None.
For list of optional extra_fields, see PV_Live API Docs.